BRIGHTSIDE sees THE LUMINEERS return with romantic wistfulness
The Lumineers return with vibrant fourth album Brightside, a cinematic love story from start to finish.
The Lumineers return with vibrant fourth album Brightside, a cinematic love story from start to finish.
On new album Covers, Cat Power gets to the heart of the songs she interprets, leaving the listener disinclined to make comparisons with the originals.
Blowing her previous releases out of the water in sheer power, Live at Montreux Jazz Festival cements Anna Von Hausswolff as an intimidatingly strong presence.
THIS WEEK’S NEW ALBUMS REVIEWED | FEATURE GREGORY PORTER All Rise (Decca) Gregory Porter, the two-time Grammy award-winning jazz supremo who is seldom without a hat, returns with …
THIS WEEK’S NEW ALBUMS REVIEWED | FEATURE EYEDRESS Let’s Skip To The Wedding (Lex) Filipino-born, USA-raised Idris Vicuña [above] was in Manila-based surf-rock band Bee Eyes before taking …
NEW ALBUMS REVIEWED | FEATURE Starting this week, look out every Friday for a roundup of the most noteworthy new gear assessed right here on the Buzz website. Plus …
The Beloved Happiness (Special Edition) New State Music It is the 30th anniversary of The Beloved’s ‘Happiness’ album and New State Music are reissuing the record with an exciting batch …
Erasure The Neon Mute Records Erasure aired their anxieties regarding the divisive Trump and Brexit shockwaves devouring our world on their 2017 album: ‘World Be Gone’ which was their most …
Rufus Wainwright Unfollow The Rules BMG After excursions into opera, Rufus Wainwright has returned to pop for ‘Unfollow The Rules’ ‘which is produced by Mitchell Froom, who has worked with …
Nadine Shah Kitchen Sink Infectious Records Nadine Shah’s last album, the Hyundai Mercury Prize nominated ’Holiday Destination’ perfectly addressed immigration and Islamophobia. Shah’s social consciousness is reflected in her uncompromising …
ERLAND COOPER Hether Blether (Phases) **** While 2018’s Solan Goose looked at birdlife, and last year’s Sule Skerry pondered the sea, the third and final album in Erland’s Orkney islands …
ALBUMS AND DEMOS | APRIL ALUN GAFFEY *** Llyfrau Hanes (Côsh) The second solo album from Alun Gaffey, ex-guitarist of Aberystwyth’s Race Horses, is a funky affair. With a mixture …