Larry And His Flask are something of a cult band in Newport. How a group of beardy Oregonians who play bluegrass-inspired folk-punk made such an impact all the way on the other side of the world is testament to the power of local music scenes and the way they build relationships and connections between people in a community.
Five or so years ago, Larry And His Flask turned up to Le Pub to play their first ever overseas gig. Their driver, tasked with taking them from Heathrow to Newport, was seven hours late due to missing the ferry, and “looked like he was going to have a heart attack” when he finally arrived. Exhausted, they arrived just before their set was due to start, tuned up, and proceeded to blow the roof off. Return visits since were increasingly more and more packed and sweaty, seared into the memories of the lucky denizens who were there, a shared memory that forms part of the tapestry of Newport’s music history.
For Jamin Marshall, The Flask’s drummer and co-leader, their cultish figure in the local scene represents the power of local music scenes and of the band’s own live chops. “We give it our all every time. Our goal is for everyone to have a smile on their face and be at least half as sweaty as us by the end of the show.” Jamin agrees that passing bands like Larry and His Flask are crucial to a local music scene’s success. “It is paramount for the longevity of a fun and diverse local scene. It keeps the fire burning.”
As for why Larry And His Flask maintain such a hardcore following in Newport of all places, nobody seems any the wiser. “We have better reactions in some places than others. There is some magical thing that resides in certain towns and cities. After many years of trying to figure it out, I’m still not sure what it is. The UK has always treated us very well. But that magical grit and energy is defiantly present in Wales.” FEDOR TOT
Larry And His Flask, Le Public Space, Newport, Tue 7 Aug. Tickets: £8 (sold out – check event page for returns). Info: www.lepublicspace.co.uk