In The Way Through The Woods, Rebecca Beattie takes us on a whimsical, verdant journey through the wheel of the year to arrive at poignant lessons on how to embrace life’s hardships. In this fantastical guide, magic meets eye to eye with the banalities of mere existence: from unexpected losses to divorce, menopause, and navigating career changes, Beattie encourages readers to be intentional when life hits the hardest.
It is in those moments of greatest vulnerability when we have the chance to stop and reevaluate, to cut through the thick foliage and create our own authentic path. Beattie, a Wiccan priestess who has practised witchcraft for over two decades, packs every page with compassionate wisdom. Summoning the elements of the natural world as well as symbols from Tarot to help readers navigate and slowly unpack heavy, hard-hitting emotions.
More than just a book, The Way Through The Woods is a companion for all, providing journal prompts, rituals, and even a spell or two to aid in the journey of self-discovery and healing. Beattie’s prose, filled with empathy and insight, speaks directly to the soul, offering solace and guidance based on her own personal experiences. Akin to taking a walk through the woods themselves, this book feels like the breath of fresh air you need before finding your flow.
The Way Through The Woods: The Green Witch’s Guide To Navigating Life’s Ups And Downs, Rebecca Beattie (Elliott & Thompson)
Price: £14.99/£7.99 Ebook. Info: here