St David’s Hall, Cardiff, Mon 24th Apr
It seems almost cruel to have a support band for someone as iconic as Shakin’ Stevens. The crowd are here to see Shaky, no one else. And as J Lee And The Hoodoo Skulls launch into their set of muscular blues-rock, flinty eyed grandmas clutch their bags skeptically and remain unmoved. But as their set goes on feet start tapping and the crowd warm to them.
But we’re here to see Shaky on his biggest UK tour, in support of his latest album Echoes Of Our Times which features in its entirety throughout the evening. This material is more reflective and downbeat than you’d expect from the man whose career playing upbeat rock’n’roll pastiche was jumpstarted off the back of his appearance in Elvis!, the hit West End musical. There are songs about war (Echoes Of Our Times), the hardships of coal mining (Down In The Hole) and even child mortality (Suffer Little Children). A new direction then. But one the audience seem largely on board with. Before introducing Behind Those Secrets And Lies, a voice from the crowd calls “go on Shake”, like the Crucible crowd urging on Ronnie O’Sullivan at a decisive visit.
There’s a hesitance in the performance though. He falters a couple of times and even drops a line completely during Fire in Her Blood. He doesn’t have the star quality befitting the biggest UK singles artist of the 1980s, but neither does he have the ego that might come with it. Consequently, he seems torn between doing something for himself and giving the fans what they want. Nothing exemplifies that more than when he finally wheels out This Ole House. He’ll play it, but in his way. And his way is sombre, stripping the bouncy joy away from his chart topping version. But perhaps this way is more appropriate for a song about preparing for death?
This is just half the story though. There’s plenty of the upbeat Shaky the crowd are here for and by the end of the night 100 or so of them are down the front dancing along to Green Door. It just would have been more satisfying had he committed to one path or the other.
Pictured: Shakin’ Stevens supporting the Welsh Hearts charity, who were in the venue pre-gig demonstrating CPR for audience members and raising funds