Theatr Mwldan, Cardigan
Sat 28 Apr – Sun 10 Jun
Welsh artist James Moore will be showcasing his new and exciting exhibition Strange Eden, which will be full of abstracted shapes and unique techniques, exploiting his idea of the mediated representation of art. His work focuses solely on the hyper reality of his own imagination, painting his mind and soul onto a canvas for the public to see up close and personal. He mixes together copies, samples, collages and pastes to create abstract paintings and unusual animations. The title of Strange Eden gives away its theme. The weird and the wonderful are starkly juxtaposed to create something aesthetically pleasing. Strange Eden will be an illusion for your mind to figure out, balancing out the world we live in now and Moore’s idea of subjective reality. Moore’s work has evolved significantly since his first group exhibition in Cardiff called Wood, Canvas, Steel?, back in 2009. He also won the New Lights Art Prize, at Mercer Gallery in 2013. James Moore describes his work as “exploring our snowballing detachment from the real world within a visual culture of ever increasing simulacra.” Based in the centre of Cardigan, Strange Eden will hopefully be another step forward for Moore’s fascinating vision work.
Admission: free. Info: 01239 621200 /