Craft in the Bay, Cardiff
Mon 10 July – Sun 1 Oct
Those visiting the foyer of the Craft in the Bay Gallery on Danielle Sullivan’s first day of residency will be met immediately with a garden of intricately beautiful, magical paper flowers. The next day, should a visitor return to the church and step through its front doors again, they might be amazed to see that the paper flowers have grown overnight- buds into blossoms, stems outstretched, leaves branching out, as if seeking light.
Rhondda paper artist Danielle Sullivan plans to install, and then over five days ‘grow’, a stunning garden of intelligently-designed and delicately-structured flowers, a wild garden of art based on the nine wildflowers that were combined by the magicians Gwydion and Math to create the fairest maiden of them all, Blodeuwedd, from the Mabinogi legend.
Recycling paper from books in Welsh text, Sullivan will craft her own take on Meadowsweet, Bean, Primrose, Nettle, Chestnut, Broom, Oak, Cockle, and Hawthorn, in the hopes of recreating the spirit of the magic of the ancient myth. In workshops held on Saturday from 2pm till 4pm, and then again on Sunday from 1pm till 4pm, visitors will get the opportunity to learn to make their own paper flower sculptures. Booking is required.
Admission: free. Info: 029 2048 4611 / (JM)