Fears and fragilities combine in The Lost Girls, Kate Hamer’s complex sequel to The Girl In The Red Coat. The story revisits protagonist Carmel, who is still haunted by the past and trying to adapt to a different way of life after being captured by a cult when she was younger. Despite returning safely, her thoughts turn to another lost girl, Mercy who we learn about through flashbacks.
This leads Carmel to delve into her past to the disappointment of her mother, Beth. Narrated in turn by Carmel, Beth and Mercy, they outline the complexities of navigating a different world after suffering trauma and the hope of moving forward and adapting to a different way of life.
Having read The Girl In The Red Coat, Hamer’s debut novel, on its release back in 2015, I was intrigued to discover how the characters fared in this sequel. It’s a fascinating premise to revisit certain stories after such a long time, but the development in terms of plot and character feels like a natural progression. If you’ve ever finished a book and been so invested as to continue thinking about the lives of the characters, wishing you could discover more, this one is for you.
The Lost Girls, Kate Hamer (Faber)
Price: £8.99. Info: here
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