Collusion and corruption combine in Paris Requiem, the second novel featuring Detective Eddie Giral by Penarth novelist Chris Lloyd. Set in Paris during the Nazi occupation of 1940, the story begins with a gruesome murder in one of the city’s clubs. Sent to investigate, Eddie discovers that the victim should have been residing in a prison cell and soon finds himself at the mercy of a number of different French and German organisations as he unearths different avenues of interest, including a number of criminals being released.
The complexities of each character and the detailed scenes offered an atmospheric and transportive tale. Having not read The Unwanted Dead, Lloyd’s award-winning debut of Eddie Giral, I wasn’t sure if I would miss the subtle nuances, as it can be difficult to gather the threads of a novel concerning a recurring character. No such concerns were necessary as regards the enjoyment of this thoroughly researched thriller.
A tense and impactful account of the era, the multi-layered account contained in Paris Requiem would suggest there are further areas to explore for the haunted detective; I look forward to joining him on that journey.
Paris Requiem, Chris Lloyd (Orion)
Price: £18.99/£21.99 audiobook. Info: here
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