It was a rare treat to gather in Tramshed on a Thursday night and experience spoken word poetry, rather than loud music and a pint-sodden dancefloor. Hollie McNish visited Cardiff during her tour promoting her new book Lobster… And Other Things I’m Learning To Love. McNish told the eager audience – who sat in even rows of chairs placed throughout the sold-out venue – that she never skips the Welsh capital while on tour, and recalled her first fully booked show in Womanby Street venue The Moon.

The evening began with support from Carys Eleri, who shared her joyous work in progress – titled Tonguing – to rapturous laughter and hooting from the audience. Following a short break, it was time for the artist of the hour, McNish herself, to step into the stage light.
Part of the appeal of Hollie McNish as a performer is the fact that she appears to be completely comfortable within herself as she shares her work, which itself is often intimate, yet always relatable and hugely funny. The audience is captivated by what feels like a hangout with a good friend who shares anecdotes from life on the road and inspirations behind certain works, all punctuated by poems from Lobster…
A glorious evening, full of laughter and friendship, tied up with a seemingly never-ending signing and photo queue. Not many other sold-out artists would stay behind to meet each willing patron with a genuine smile and warmth – after already giving so much of themselves away on the stage.
Hollie McNish, Tramshed, Cardiff, Thurs 2 May
words and photos GOSIA BUZZANCA