Various venues. Tue 16 Apr-Sun 23 June
If great art is borne of great suffering, this latest offering from NoFit State and Circus Xanti promises to be both a redemptive and life-affirming spectacle. As A Tiger In The Jungle tells the true story of two Nepalese children, Renu Ghalan and Aman Tamang, who were sold by their parents and trafficked into an Indian circus. Hungry, regularly beaten and forced to work for free, they were eventually rescued, going on to become respected members of Circus Kathmandu and seen by Ali Williams of NoFit State.
As A Tiger… is not circus performance in the classic sense, incorporating theatre, narrative, dance and music; however, if you’ve ever been to a NoFit State show before you’ll no doubt by the ambience, subtlety and skill on display. Furthermore, they’ve teamed up with prizewinning director and play-writer Sverre Waage of Norway’s Circus Xanti. The spectacle looks set to be a feat of imaginative storytelling with a mission: to draw attention to the plight of thousands of trafficked circus performers across India. This tour will make stops in Llanelli (Tue 16 Apr), Newport (Thurs 2 and Fri 3 May), Aberystwyth (Sun 12), Brecon (Fri 7 and Sat 8 June) and Cardigan (Fri 21-Sun 23 June).
Tickets: £14/£12. Info:
words Oliver R. Moore- Howells