Vijay Menon (Glagoslav)
A fairly short book, yet one where even the title of it intrigued this reader. Vijay Menon’s memoir provides an unrestricted look into modern-day Russia and the people that reside within the vastness of this often-guarded country. A Brown Man… is both a memoir and a self-help book; often the two should not mix within a travel book (or any book, really), but for some strange reason here they go hand-in-hand. Often funny, very adventurous, sometimes bleak and with nervous interactions, this book will open up your mind to what travelling across Russia is/was like for a person of colour, considering the media perceptions we have of the country here. I guess, as the author suggests in the book, if a person like he can do it then why can’t you? (CM)
Price: £19.50. Info: