Set in the Nigerian capital city of the title, The Lagos Wife is an atmospheric, elegant debut novel by Vanessa Walters. It centres around Nicole, who has married Tonye; the couple, and Nicole’s two songs, move from London to Tonye’s family home. Cultural challenges rear their head, naturally, and Nicole’s disappearance following a boat trip is kept under the radar by Tonye’s wealthy family, in light of an upcoming wedding.
It’s when Nicole’s aunt Claudine arrives to investigate that secrets begin to be unearthed, ones which threaten the family reputation. Meanwhile, The Lagos Wife’s dual timeline offers an insightful perspective into the events leading up to the disappearance, providing an outlook into the culture and the elite world occupied by successful and wealthy Nigerian families. Walters’ measured pacing allows her room for further character development in a story full of suspicion, family, identity and finding your place in the world.
Despite being categorised as a murder mystery, family drama is heavily involved so those leaning towards the crime genre may not be satisfied. The Lagos Wife has already been optioned for television; I envisage a feast for the eyes on screen which may bring a little more energy to the story.
The Lagos Wife, Vanessa Walters (Hutchinson Heinemann)
Price: £16.99/£8.99 Ebook/£14 audiobook. Info: here