8 ways to take in outdoor theatre this summer across Wales
From the Bard to Gilbert & Sullivan, here’s where you can catch open-air theatre under summer skies in Wales.
From the Bard to Gilbert & Sullivan, here’s where you can catch open-air theatre under summer skies in Wales.
Housemates, a collaboration between the Sherman and inclusive theatre company Hijinx, tells the tale of how one Cardiff student house became the epicentre of a social care revolution.
2022 marks 50 years since the first-ever UK Pride took place. And with health restrictions eased, festivities are back in full swing for this historic year in Wales.
the_crash.test is the latest immersive theatre experience from Hijinx to dive headfirst into the wonderful world of digital puppetry, and is a complete marvel.
SECRET SPACES: SARAH HORNER Hijinx are one of Wales’ leading theatre companies, producing five-star work with neurodivergent actors. Buzz caught up with new CEO Sarah Horner, set to take the …
MISSION CONTROL This production, a team up between National Theatre Wales and Hijinx, will transport audiences to the year 2029, where a new planet has just been discovered within the …
Into the Light Various venues Thurs 14 Feb-Sat 9 Mar The feeling of recognition, connection and validation is deeply rooted into our very being. Hijinx Theatre and Teatro …
'Sequel' to Midsummer Night's Dream turns into a bit of a nightmare