A mythical and imaginative novel, Ours by Phillip B. Williams is an astonishing debut. Set in America during the mid-19th century, the story follows Saint, who is gifted in conjuring as she travels the South detecting Black Americans who are enslaved and looking to be freed. Working to remove the plantations, she leads the freed on a pilgrimage to a town she has founded north of St. Louis, named Ours, where over time the initial freedoms experienced by the followers do not seem so different from the past.
There has been much made about the length of Phillip B. Williams’ Ours – over 500 pages, with the author describing it as a “primer for patience”. Undoubtedly an investment read, in terms of time, but recommended in terms of fulfilment. One of the reasons is the depth of detail given to each character and their development, rather than a few key players as is the usual form but this enhances the plot.
A spellbinding, spiritual story, Ours is a remarkable achievement for a debut author. The lyrical prose is a particular highlight which bodes well for the next piece of work from a unique talent.
Ours, Phillip B. Williams (Granta)
Price: £18.99. Info: here