Swn continues to surpass expectations every year! It all started on Wed 16 Oct for me, with my Swn radio show (broadcast from Urban Outfitters) – guests were Houdini Dax, Fist Of The First Man, Francesca’s Word Salad & Beatbox Fozzy. Thurs 17 Oct, however, was kicked off by His Naked Torso in The Moon Club followed by Cheatahs, downstairs in Clwb Ifor Bach as part of the Wichita Records showcase. Cheatahs are an energetic pop-punk band from London and were pretty energetic and quality. A jaunt upstairs for Gulp saw newly married couple, Guto and Lyndsey, continuing the excellent fare offered by the Super Furry Animals’ extracurricular projects.
Next to The Angel Hotel for Trwbador. After being shortlisted for the Welsh Music Prize with their debut album, it’s great to see them live in great form with such confidence. The whole set was standout so I won’t pick songs to justify this. After a quick look in at Ghostpoet, I then hotfooted over to Cardiff University for the moved-at-the-last-minute Mr Scruff. This too was excellent, a five-hour set which I arrived at halfway through during a stint of drum’n’bass about which many superlatives could be used. I’ll choose bangin’.
Fri 18 Oct kicked things off big style, with Totem Terrors downstairs in Clwb Ifor. As time goes on they get stronger and more confident live, so enjoyable to watch; Rosie’s vocals prove more than a match for Max’s Mark E. Smith yelps. Dashing to Dempseys rewards us with one of the performances of the weekend, Right Hand Left Hand. The energy was pneumatic and the quality was top – new material interspersed with old favourites meant that everyone was watching with a smile on their face. The highlight comes courtesy of guitarist Rhodri Viney: “People who call us math-rock, this next song is called Fermat’s Last Theorum. So they’re actually right for once”.
While I missed out on a couple of bands due to queues, shortly afterwards, never mind: Iron Eye were next at Gwdihw, and boy were they something. After getting their CD EP a couple of weeks ago I was looking forward to it and not left disappointed. The arrangement is two saxes, one drumkit and nowt else, with a couple of covers (including Jimi Hendrix) slipped in. Then to The Angel for Llwbyr Llaethog who were great, apart from the guy stripping on stage and uttering what sounded like “cover me with semen” into the mic. LL, neither of whom were that guy, span a variety of styles, and with great vocals added by two young ladies the hip-hop-meets-dub party was really going.
My Sat 19 Oct began with Baby Queens on the outdoor stage on The Hayes. I was expecting to see Cian Ciaran of SFA, their producer, but he wasn’t in attendance, although Gruff Rhys was. Hail! The Planes, at Fuel and about to release an EP through Shape Records, were good too. The delicate vocals of Holly and her violin, along with David’s guitar and Francesca’s trumpet, lend this Cardiff band a beautiful sound. The Moon Club, next door, introduced us to Annie Eve and her ethereal voice; by the time Little Arrow, up next, hit the stage, the tiny room was virtually overflowing. Will Hughes’ earnest and uplifting vocals intertwined with some excellent strings and made for some excellent folky moods.
I’d seen Brothers (Dempseys) once before, supporting Sweet Baboo in Clwb Ifor Bach. This wasn’t such a long time ago, and the rate at which the improvements spewed forth was staggering. Stayed for an unknown quantity, Babe, and glad I did; Hot Chip-py but Scottish and French in origin, they were excellent, a band I’ll be discovering further, if I can work out how to Google them. Upstairs in Clwb Ifor delivers another standout performance of the weekend: Fist Of The First Man. The energy in their music was staggering; mixed with the lighting and backdrop, the result was immense. People couldn’t avert their ears or eyes.
O’Neills beckoned for the rest of the night, first up being Kutosis who turned in an amazing performance. I was glad to be introducing two friends to them live for the very first time, an experience they won’t forget; me, I hungrily await the new album as the sounds they spilled upon us were top drawer. Hadn’t encountered north Wales’ Camera since reviewing them for Buzz a long time ago, but they were good to see and hear. Shhh…Apes! do a remarkable job of filling O’Neills with only their second gig. It’s also the second Swn performance for two members, Bernie (also of Right Hand Left Hand) and Mark (Fist Of The First Man), and this is another performance that sticks in the mind for good reason. It in no way diminishes the musicians to say that Mark’s vocals were the finest element of their sonic makeup. Saturday night ended here with Metabeats – unfortunately, the Associated Minds-signed producer was only DJing here, but it was still top.
Winter Villains greeted me on Sun 20 Oct at The Angel and helped to nurse my hangover. Will Hughes (also of Little Arrow) was absent, giving the voices of Ivan Moult and Faye Gibson more range. Another look at Baby Queens, on Adam Walton’s Crackling Vinyl stage (always a quality line-up), and the Cardiff-via-Jamaican flavours remain excellent. Following them are Wrexham’s Seazoo, a band I was introduced to in a car when the driver said “check my sister’s band out.” This is normally a cause for concern, or a requirement of being overly polite, but cheers Daf, because their Yo La Tengo-meets-Pavement-meets-Sebadoh (you get the idea) is right up mine and others’ street. They also sell mugs with TEAZOO printed on them.
Philedelphia pop-punkers Swearin’, in the Angel Hotel, are followed by Waxahatchee – the solo-with-backing-band project of Swearin’ vocalist Alison Crutchfield. Having picked up the Waxahatchee album recently, it was great to see to see them live up to it with a real standout performance (they’re mounting up now, I know). The Breeders crossed with Camera Obscura isn’t a hundred miles off, and to get a “thanks for recommending them” from someone was a good buzz.
We end with the legendary Dim Swn closing party at Clwb Ifor Bach, centrepiece of which is the hip-hop karaoke on the middle floor. Seeing Swn’s John Rostron and Huw Stephens jointly doing GLC’s Guns Don’t Kill People… was a treat unlikely to be repeated. Oh yeah, I did a couple too. So … see you all next year and John, Huw and the Swn team… thank you!