I imagine that it’s much to the chagrin of the band themselves that whole forests’ worth of books have been dedicated to goth rock legends The Cure – but Curepedia – An A-Z Of The Cure, compiled and written by Simon Price, has gazumped any previous comparable efforts in both its knowledge and its presentation. The hardback edition is a thing of beauty. A hefty piece featuring interior pages printed in red and black ink, a ribbon marker, and C-U-R-E endpapers designed by none other than Andy Vella, artist on the band’s album sleeve for nearly all their career to date.
Alongside that, you have Price’s unmatched knowledge on the band, who he’s been a fan of since the early 80’s and has written about previously. He has everything covered. Band members both past and present, songs, instruments, albums, tours, anecdotes – you’ll find yourself immersed every time you pick it up, with a new tidbit or revelation making itself known. Not to mention its value as a conversation starter, as it sits on your coffee table this Christmas. Curepedia has everything you’ve ever wanted to know – or needed to know – about the world’s foremost alternative band, lovingly compiled by a man best placed to do so.
Curepedia – An A-Z Of The Cure, Simon Price (White Rabbit)
Price: £35/£85 deluxe edition. Info: here