Karen Perry (Michael Joseph)
In Dublin’s fair city, the past is not pretty. Not in the dilapidated mansion where these characters gather one long, hot summer. Not for the man upstairs, old before his time, or the young couple, Leah and Jake, in the basement of their first home together. The old man, Anton, is just out of jail for the murder of his wife, though he pleads innocence. But deep down his secrets fester in his mind. Secrets that he replays over and over as he sucks Leah in like the spider waiting for the fly in the nursery rhyme. But Leah also has secrets untold, as Anton feeds off her naïveté like a vampire and Jake looks on, caring less, as the summer passes by. This one is a creepily nasty study of some creepy, nasty individuals, stuck, like flies in amber. Not easy to put down. MTi
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