ANTHONY JOSHUA | PHOTOGRAPHY April 3, 2018 Category: Photography, Sport Buzz’s Morgan Devine caught a few photos of Anthony Joshua’s open work out just before the big fight against Joseph Parker [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”84″ gal_title=”Anthony Joshua – Open Work Out”] Tag: Anthony Joshua, Boxing, principality stadium More For You 2025’s biggest shows, festivals & live music to look out for Piano man BILLY JOEL remains a master of his art in Cardiff’s Principality Stadium FOO FIGHTERS: 17 years later, supreme rock juggernauts are back shaking Cardiff DAVID HURN & ROBERT GREETHAM help to launch the SIGNATURES photography talks in Penarth PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE VALLEYS: a rich and tangled Welsh history Exploring the margins: drag, activism, and cultural identity in KAAN K & ANGELA CHRISTOFILOU’s new exhibition Help tell the story of Welsh culture to the world Learn more
Exploring the margins: drag, activism, and cultural identity in KAAN K & ANGELA CHRISTOFILOU’s new exhibition