Currently playing at the Sherman Theatre, Angel tells the story of a young woman, Rehana, and her fight against oppressors in her home city, Kobane in northern Syria. This one-woman play, written by Henry Naylor and directed by Peter Doran, is raw and savage from the get-go.
Yasemin Özdemir’s performance as Angel is mesmerizing. The opening scene hits the ground running as she recounts her childhood at her family farm, the ancient pistachio trees her father harvests, the searing heat, the ancestral pride he has for his orchard and her battle to find her own way. Her passion to become a lawyer is juxtaposed with the simple farming life and her yearning for a better future. As her story unfolds, she recalls the gun training her father gave her in preparation for what he knew would come – and when the ominous arrival of ISIS/Daesh inevitably happens, Yasmin’s delivery of what came next is visceral and heartbreaking.
As a piece of theatre, this story is uncomfortable and difficult to watch – but I urge you to see it, and to learn and understand about Rehana. Her story was first highlighted in 2014 after the claim that, as a sniper, she killed over 100 Daesh soldiers; becoming not only an internet sensation but a symbol of resistance against Islamic State, dubbed the ‘angel of Kobane’. Her bravery in confronting this horror, and fighting for her homeland and her people, is celebrated, and she remains legendary for her actions.
Angel highlights the oppressive regime that women like her still live under, the narrative is still very much relevant today. Özdemir delivers an honest and brave performance that doesn’t shy away from the horrors of tyrannical regimes. Throughout the performance, there is upsetting and graphic content which depicts atrocities but also the strength and depth of the human spirit to fight for loved ones, homeland and identity. You will leave this production feeling horrified, proud and humble.
Angel, Sherman Theatre, Cardiff, Tue 4 Oct
On until Sat 8 Oct (info: here), then touring (info: here).