Feeling the nip? House getting cold? It must be winter. Time to crank up the heating but wait – what about the environment? Buzz is here to suggest ways to warm up sustainably.
Wood burners
There is a huge debate around wood burners – are they better than gas central heating or not? If you do have one, make sure you only use naturally seasoned logs as they burn far more efficiently and buy in bulk to avoid delivery pollution and plastic packaging.
Seasoned Firewood 14” – “130
Where’s your jumper?
It may sound obvious, but don’t be wandering around your abode in a t-shirt while cranking up the heating. If you haven’t got a nice thick jumper then get yourself one; look for natural wool on the label and avoid anything with poly in the name!
There’s nothing simpler than wrapping yourself up to keep warm in a blanket. Luckily in Wales we have a choice of fine mills creating beautiful woven warmers. This traditional Welsh tapestry design will for years.
Montgomery – £150
Energy company
Most energy companies now offer 100% sustainably-produced electricity options, but most of us heat our homes using gas boilers. Good Energy is one of a few who invest in certified carbon reduction schemes and provide carbon neutral gas to their customers.
Contact for prices
Don’t hot water bottles remind you of your nans? This PVC-free version, made from 90% renewable materials will keep you snug and smug in the knowledge that you are doing your bit for your future grandchildren, so they get the chance of thinking of you when they use one.
2-litre ‘eco-sustainable’ hot water bottle – £24.99
Layer up
We can’t stay indoors all through the winter. Layering up will keep you nice and warm and our friendly Welsh clothing company Howies produce one of the best merino wool base layers there is. As expected, it’s manufactured ethically.
Classic Merino Base Layer – £55
It’s curtains for the cold
A huge amount of heat from your rooms is lost through the windows. Using thicker full-length curtains is a simple way to insulate your home saving your energy bill; you’ll also find that they are great for reducing outside noise and, in the summer’s heat, keep your room nice and cool.
Majgull Room darkening curtains – £27
Count your blessing
There are many who don’t have the luxury to be improving the warmth of their home in an ecological way. In the cold season, don’t forget those who have no roof over their head – help out and donate your clothing to a reputable charity.
As much as you can afford