To Fill A Yellow House is British-Ghanian writer Sussie Anie’s debut novel. Its tale of modern London living is set mainly around two characters on different sides of the track, Kwasi and Rupert. Kwasi is a child who, having relocated to a different part of the city with his parents, spends his time exploring his new surroundings, most notably his local high street. He also loves drawing, something that will shape his future.
As he nervously prepares to start at a new school, Anie sets the scene beautifully with Kwasi and his many aunties and parents guiding and rooting for him. All are characters one immediately warms to, and the author captures their urban surroundings in vivid manner.
Jumping forward a few years, Kwasi finds himself in deep trouble one night on the high street and takes refuge in Chest Of Small Wonders, a shabby charity shop ran by widower Rupert. An unlikely bond develops between the pair, who against the odds dictated by their own struggles, combined with their surroundings, try to keep hold of their dreams – as well as trying to belong without having to compromise. It makes To Fill A Yellow House a timely, unique and moving tale of inner city pressure.
To Fill A Yellow House, Sussie Anie (Phoenix)
Price: £16.99. Info: here