Moments after the birth of his baby girl Kyle Falconer, the lead singer of The View, talks about their upcoming tour, reflections on the past, and looking ahead to the future. “Oh, I’m over the moon!” starts Kyle. “I’ve just registered our baby five minutes ago. I’m just so dazed and tired, but happy!”
Celebrating 10 years since the release of their debut album Hats Off To The Buskers, The View will be playing the full album back to front. “I haven’t seen the boys yet,” Kyle refrains, “so I’m not sure if that is still our plan. We’re meeting up soon to discuss it.”
Kyle then fires down rumours of him working with George Ezra: “I’m not working with George, but I am working with his producer. I’ve been working on new material for a solo career. We’ve decided to take a year out of work as a band, because we have been working nonstop for years! We aren’t splitting up, though, we just each have our own things to do.”
Ten years on, what would Kyle like to say to his fans? “Thanks for sticking around! We’re lucky. There are those fans that just get it. They turn up at every gig – and some of them with tattoos of the band across their face!”
But how have The View changed over the past decade? “There are some obvious changes for me. I think we became better writers – when we were first out we were punks who thought they knew everything. Partying used to come before gigs, and there were times when we missed out on so much because of that attitude. We were foolish. Now the band comes first. However, we’re taking this year out to explore new things on our own. No one has had time or sense to do that until now. But I’m now a dad too. Hopefully in 10 years we will still be touring as The View.”
In keeping with the anniversary theme, how would Kyle describe the tour in just 10 words? In short, he doesn’t: “‘The songs you want to hear at a lovely time of year.’ Wait. That isn’t 10 words is it? Ah, just come and check it out!”
The View, Tramshed, Cardiff, Fri 12 May. Tickets: £15. Info: 029 2023 5555 /