The Imaginary Lives Of James Pōneke
Tina Makereti (Eye)
Already a well-published and accomplished author in her native New Zealand, The Imaginary Lives Of James Pōneke is Tina Makereti’s fourth novel, and continues to dig deep into the complex relationship between Aotearoa (the Māori term for New Zealand) and the nation’s historical colonisers. James, or Hemi as he was known in his native Māori, is an intelligent young orphan enticed away to London by ‘The Artist’, with promises of brave new worlds and wonder, but the gritty reality he discovers on the ground leaves him questioning his place in this far-off land. Makereti plays deftly with the framing of the story, and though the tale is set in the late 19th century, she vividly explores issues that are by no means consigned to the pages of history. DH
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