When comedian and cult-favourite household name Bob Mortimer released his zesty debut novel in 2022, The Satsuma Complex, the book was received with delight by those who adore his unique, sharp, humour and knack for observation. The announcement earlier this year that its successor, The Hotel Avocado, was due for release this autumn, was equally joyously received.
Returning to the life of legal assistant Gary Thorne, Mortimer presents Gary’s new dilemma: should he stay in Peckham, next door to his older neighbour and friend Grace and her dog Lassoo, or move to Brighton to be with his girlfriend Emily in her new hotel? Moreover, Gary soon finds himself with a bigger problem when the enigmatic Mr Sequence arrives in his life with a worrying agenda on the horizon.
Those familiar with Mortimer’s long and dynamic career know of his talent regarding creating characters and their lives in a way that translates brilliantly into fiction. It demands skill to portray the cast of characters with nuance and personality and is one Mortimer does giftedly. Moreover, Mortimer’s writing shines with nods to his own autobiography and characters he has created along the way over his career.
The Hotel Avocado is a strong follow-up to its predecessor, delightfully lending itself to Mortimer’s humour and skill with writing. That he is able to weave in elements of suspense with his wit and characterisation is a bonus, and a perfect read for the longer nights ahead.
The Hotel Avocado, Bob Mortimer (Simon & Schuster)
Price: £22. Info: here