The relationship between animals and humans is explored in The Dolphin House, a fictionalised account based on a real-life experiment on the island of St. Thomas in 1965. While the event provided inspiration for Audrey Schulman, she introduces us to the fictional Cora: a deaf young woman who discovers four dolphins being held captive for research purposes.
Dr Blum, the research leader, is an enigmatic character, desperate to make a name for himself in the field. When he realises the connection Cora has formed with the dolphins, he hires her in an attempt to conduct groundbreaking research – teaching the dolphins human language. A monumental task with considerable challenges: with so much at stake, Cora decides she must live with Junior, her chosen dolphin.
This highly emotive and fascinating read captures an era, at its core the oppression faced by women and the harmful legitimisation of scientific experimentation on animals. The author conveys a breathtaking outlook on nature and the force for good when bonds are formed between humans and animals. I really felt invested in the journey, and despite moments of tragedy, the hope for the future of these beautiful animals shines through.
The Dolphin House, Audrey Schulman (Europa Editions)
Price: £12.99/£9.99 Ebook. Info: here