A remote island off the Irish coast is the setting for The Colony, a sublime novel from Audrey Magee. Spending the summer on the sparsely inhabited island, Lloyd and JP – an English artist and a French linguist – are both visiting in search of inspiration for their art form. Despite the resistance encountered from some of the islanders, it is both a fruitful and revealing experience for both men, particularly in terms of the relationships they form with the young widow Mairéad and her son James.
Both visitors prove to have a significant impact on each islander, as cultural differences, religion and politics all combine to add to the drama, highlighting the vast differences between the past and the present. Between each island scene, an account of the fatalities from the bombings during the troubles is listed. These stories, in turn, are weaved subtly into the narrative as news filters through to the islanders – which succeeds in highlighting the atrocity and the impact such events can have on far-reaching shores, proving to be an extremely powerful way of re-telling reality.
A rich and explorative tale, Magee succeeds in revealing so much with only a little language and much left unsaid. An atmospheric tale from a truly magnificent linguist: The Colony will leave a lasting impression.
The Colony, Audrey Magee (Faber)
Price: £14.99. Info: here