Crystal Jeans Emanating from the rawness and grit of Cardiff at its best, Crystal Jeans has just won Literature Wales’ Book Of The Year Award for second novel Light Switches …
Crystal Jeans Emanating from the rawness and grit of Cardiff at its best, Crystal Jeans has just won Literature Wales’ Book Of The Year Award for second novel Light Switches …
Peter Finch: Real Cardiff | Event Review **** Cardiff Central Library, Cardiff, Thurs 19 July That Peter Finch is here today is doubly appropriate. Not only is it nearly two …
The Last Time I Lied Riley Sager (Penguin Random House) There’s an old saying: Never go back. Perhaps Emma Davis, a rich and successful artist in the Big Apple, should …
BRIEF LIVES Christopher Meredith (Seren) Short story collections, despite an author’s best efforts, are rarely focused, cohesive affairs. With Brief Lives, however, Christopher Meredith has managed to not only produce …
Take Me In Sabine Durrant (Mulholland Books) Another marriage on the rocks that on the surface seems to be serene: This is a recurring theme for thrillers this year. So …
Rhiannon Lucy Coslett Welsh journalist Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett’s debut novel The Tyranny Of Lost Things is out in June, and when Buzz sits down to discuss the perils of debuts with …
The Rehearsals Vladimir Sharov, trans. Oliver Ready (Dedalus) Rarely does one get this feeling when reading a translated book. The Rehearsals appears to be first and foremost a book about …
Rocking the Boat: Welsh Women Who Championed Equality 1840-1990 Angela V. John (Parthian Books Women’s place in history is one that has been awarded little discussion in popular culture. …
Brother In Ice Alicia Kopf , trans. Mara Faye Lethem (And Other Stories) An emotive exploration of life and an attempt to make sense of a number of …
words MARK TIMLIN Cath Staincliffe Allie Kennaway, previously known as Aled, is an 18-year-old transwoman, the victim of a hate crime close to Deansgate in Manchester. Still at sixth form college, …
Annie Spence (Icon Books) What a novel idea: a librarian writes love letters and break-up notes to the books she has loved, lost and abandoned. Spence has a light touch …
Mari Hannah (Orion Books) Bestselling author Mari Hannah has come up with a brand-new cop series featuring Detective Inspector David Stone and Detective Sergeant Jackie Oliver, set in Newcastle and …