ON MYSTICISM: a modern exploration of ancient spirituality by SIMON CRITCHLEY
On Mysticism by Simon Critchley offers a reflective exploration into mysticism and its place in contemporary culture, blending philosophy and spiritual insight.
On Mysticism by Simon Critchley offers a reflective exploration into mysticism and its place in contemporary culture, blending philosophy and spiritual insight.
In Travels Over Feeling, Richard King profiles musician Arthur Russell, whose vault of unpublished music includes genres as diverse as contemporary classical and Americana.
With three new reissues out, it goes without saying that if the Butthole Surfers were active today, they’d be cancelled sooner than you could say, “I’m outraged by this stuff.”
Explore the cinematic brilliance of Powell & Pressburger and their impact on cinema and this BFI retrospective.
Return to the enigmatic world of The Handsome Family in their latest album Hollow, a Southern Gothic collection of haunting melodies and lyrical depth.
Explore the enduring brilliance of Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You, a collection of finely crafted songs.
Arthur Russell's posthumous masterpiece, Picture Of Bunny Rabbit is a unique blend of disco, country, and experimental pop, recorded in 1985.
A new Garth Marenghi novel is like a new album by ZZ Top or Status Quo: you know what you’re going to get, but by heck you’ll love it… if you’re into that sort of thing.
Filled with urgency usually reserved for bands with less miles on the clock, Omens keeps Lamb Of God fans on side.
Each piece of Saath Saath unfurls at its own pace and for the listener, this offers the opportunity to bask in its glow that much longer.
The overall vibe here is one of laidback good times, with almost ska-like propulsion to tracks like Hot Coffee, while other tracks could be mistaken for lost Northern Soul classics.
As challenging as this music can sometimes be, it certainly succeeds in matching the film’s blood-soaked visuals blow for epic blow.