Guildford Crescent is one of the few streets in Cardiff city centre which has remained relatively untouched by the years of redevelopment around in the centre. The street contains the Madeira and Thai House restaurants, both hugely popular and long-standing local restaurants. It also contains Gwdihw, one of the city’s most beloved bars and nightclubs.
Gwdihw has long been an incubator for local live bands as well as up-and-coming touring ones, as well as running a number of highly popular club nights, open mics and stand-up comedy shows. It remains an integral part of Cardiff’s creative scene, and in turn the creative makeup of Wales and the UK as a whole, part of a much larger tapestry of positive energy.
The landlords, Rapport, have informed all the current tenants of Guildford Crescent that they will not renew their leases. The current tenants have to vacate the property by the end of January. They have submitted a planning application to demolish Guildford Crescent.
We believe that we cannot allow this to happen.
To make your voice heard, you can sign this petition and you can leave an objection to the planning application on Cardiff council’s website here. Doing so takes five minutes.