Ben Gallivan talks to the Austrian experimental musician, Hang player and Björk collaborator ahead of his Cardiff date this month.
Buzz: The last time you played in Cardiff was with your touring band, Handmade. This time you’ll be performing with a chamber orchestra. Will this signify a major shift in sound?
Manu Delago: With my band Handmade we had a lot of electronic elements on stage. Now it’s all super-organic and human, only real acoustic sounds from old instruments. The compositions are pretty much the same but the arrangements are new and obviously it’ll sound quite different. I personally am really looking forward to it, since from a performer’s perspective to me this the real deal.
The sounds that the Hang produces vary hugely on your recordings. Do you use any effects on the sound or are they all organic?
On the album and the last tour I used a lot of electronic FX on the instrument. For the upcoming tour I won’t use any but instead will try to create a lot of different sound worlds with natural sound FX.
Your most recent album Metromonk is your 10th in as many years. Given that you have other projects and tours happening as well, are you composing pretty much constantly?
I’d say I collect ideas as much as possible but then the actual composing happens when I’m not on tour. I released a bit too much when I started out as a solo artist but over the last five years I’ve become more selective.
You’ve collaborated with many amazing artists and orchestras; do you approach them with ideas or do they come looking for you?
Both really. Once you start touring internationally you constantly meet new people and somehow one things leads to the next.
If you were asked to describe the sound(s) of the Hang, could you sum it up in a few words?
It’s a melodic percussion instrument that can sound like a harp or like an Indian tabla (or anything in between).
Now that the Hang is out of production, have you tried your hand/hands at the Gubal?
Yes, I’ve tried the Gubal but I don’t own one. But I did start playing other handpans.
Were there any artists that you’ve been listening to that inspired the music on Metromonk?
Definitely. I try to listen to a lot of new music and get inspired by it. It would need too much space to mention all of them but some names are Daughter, Moderat, Douglas Dare, Bon Iver, Kneebody, Sufjan Stevens, Arca.
Your recent work has been very eclectic – has living in London helped broaden your horizons?
It was definitely an important step for me to move from the Alps to London. I’ve experienced so much diversity in music and culture in general.
Are you hoping to explore the city of Cardiff when you play St John’s Church next month?
Yes, hopefully it’ll be sunny. I love city walks.
Manu Delago & Chamber Orchestra, St John’s Church, Canton, Cardiff, Fri 23 Feb. Tickets: £12. Info: 029 2049 9185