Mike Parker (Y Lolfa)
The Greasy Poll is an insider’s account in diary form of the ups and downs of the murky world of Welsh political life, as Mike Parker goes from stand-up comedian to Plaid Cymru candidate for Parliament.
Disappointingly the author neither gives us a comedic romp nor serious political insight. The flat tone and lack of either jokes or political views beyond being angry about things and how every other political party is terrible let this book down. It’s nice to know that Leanne Wood is wonderful (over and over) but it’s an opportunity missed when we don’t actually learn anything about her politics from someone who was her close confidant even before she was elected as Plaid Cymru leader.
It improves when the author explores the clash of cultures with the Plaid elders of deepest darkest Ceredigion but the standards set by John O’Farrell’s Things Can Only Get Better, which is clearly the inspiration, are never reached.
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