Intimate and eclectic, Goodnight Tokyo is the first novel to be published in English by Japanese author Atsuhiro Yoshida. The story centres around Matsui, a nocturnal taxi driver who encounters different stories on each journey. His night-time passengers all bring their own distinctive voices, from Mitsuki, working in a prop warehouse and hunting for obscure items, to Shuro, a former magician turned TV detective.
The interconnected stories offer a brief insight into the lives of the various Tokyo-based characters. First impressions suggest a simple way of living; however, as the plot develops, the connections between them reveal such hidden depths that leaves you reflecting about their intriguing lives.
This short novel is the perfect introduction if you’ve not encountered the world of Japanese fiction. The translated work captures the atmosphere of the city at night spectacularly, which adds to the charm of the story. With over 40 books to his name, its no surprise that Yoshida draws comparisons to fellow Japanese novelist Murakamiin terms of style. A compelling and comforting read, hopefully this will lead to further works by the author being translated for future enjoyment.
Goodnight Tokyo, Atsuhiro Yoshida [trans. Haydn Trowell] (Europa Editions)
Price: £14.99/£10.99 Ebook. Info: here