Geraint Rhys
Diwedd (Y Byd)
Akruna Records
Like most of us, the multi-talented singer and actor Geraint Rhys has been through the emotional yo-yo of lockdown, with too much time to think – as well as weeks of isolation and abysmal daytime TV, with Poundland seeming to be the only retail outlet open on planet earth. Anyway: Rhys has written and recorded a song in his bedroom about living in lockdown. The song ’Diwedd (Y Byd)’ means the end of the world in Welsh.
Despite the gloomy title, ’Diwedd (Y Byd)’ is an upbeat and catchy song that has all the traits of being a classic guitar driven indie-pop single – that is deliciously dark with deadpan humour and not forgotten once heard.
David Nobakht