Mab Jones reports directly from the latest in a series of events which, since launching in Cardiff’s Chapter Arts Centre in early autumn, have proved vital in fostering wellbeing and good feeling in the city’s LGBTQIA+ community.
Go up the stairs in Chapter Arts Centre; turn right and walk through the heavy door on the left; follow the corridor down, stepping over the legs of young ballerinas as they ready for their classes in the centre’s many dance studios; and, at the end, open a door on your left, where a short final passage will lead you into the new Project Space in Chapter.
Here, on select Thursday evenings, you will find Garddio – the latest endeavour from social enterprise Lone Worlds, which is run by Howl Hubbard (they/them) and Poppy Horwood (she/her). Both also facilitate this event, which aims to improve and increase feelings of wellbeing in LGBTQIA+ people.
These means of making an increase might include drawing, talking, music, relaxation, mindful play, or – an important element of the sessions – authentic movement, a type of somatic self-expression that allows the body to ‘speak’ and has been shown to lead to improved self-understanding and feelings of wellbeing.
The sessions are fluid, however, and are intended to evolve in a collaborative, co-created way with participants and anyone else involved. They are gentle, accessible, calming, open to ideas and individuals, and feel very much like a cosy, somewhat ‘hidden’ gem in this beautiful new corner of Chapter.
I have attended each of these events so far, in the role of Garddio’s safeguarding supervisor – being there just in case anyone attending has any emotions or feelings come up that they would like to talk about. Howl is a trainee counsellor, also, and both they and Poppy run other events and sessions through Lone Worlds, holding an impressive amount of experience and skills between them. This includes, in Poppy’s case, dance, movement, storytelling through hip-hop, and theatre direction; and, for Howl, sound, painting, performance, illustration, movement, and expression. Both encompass therapeutic modes, and both are keenly interested in improving wellbeing through their work.
We gather below a gorgeous piece of wall art, recently completed by Iranian artist Sahar Saki, which includes a poem that speaks of serenity, compassion, and understanding. These are key words for this warm and welcoming event, that offers a light and bright little hub for all LGBTQIA+ people. Whether you’re experiencing personal stress, social anxiety, or general post-COVID perturbment, my experience is that these gentle and very gently-led events can help you feel more supported, more relaxed, and less as if you are on your own.
There are two remaining Garddio events for this season, whose dates are listed below; they run from 6-8pm and you can sign up by emailing Poppy and Howl at [email protected]. If you can’t attend these then, following a winter break, there will be further Garddio events in the spring, so please keep an eye on Lone Worlds’ social media and website for information. But, if you can, you are very welcome – just follow the directions above. The loveliest, kindest, and most considerate of warm welcomes awaits you.
Garddio, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Thurs 21 Nov / Thurs 5 Dec
Admission: FREE (sign up in advance). Info: Instagram / Facebook