Created in lockdown, with the aim of spreading positivity and inspiration, the first ever Feel Good Film Festival is a delightful collection of thought-provoking short films. Launched virtually, the collection of shorts included in the two programmes showcases an impressive array of global stories.
Billed as a “joyful exploration of wacky subcultures and heartfelt tales of triumph over adversity”, festival organisers felt like an event of this type was needed now more than ever. “Spring is a time of positivity and new beginnings, and we’re due a large dollop of both,” explains festival director Nell Teasdale. “With stories about the extraordinary depth of the human spirit from around the world, this brand-new virtual film event is a celebration of finding happiness against the odds.”
What really stands out about the festival programme is the variety and breadth of films on offer. For lovers of The Queen’s Gambit, there’s the charming The Magic Of Chess, which follows the next generation of grandmasters at the National Elementary Chess Championship.
David Attenborough fans will enjoy the beautiful Love Bugs, which introduces audiences to octogenarians Charlie and Lois O’Brian who’ve spent the last 60 years quietly amassing the world’s largest private insect collection – whereas Born To Be Mild tells the wonderful story of the Dull Men’s Club, who find joy in things like post boxes and roundabouts.
“While everyone has needed cheering up in lockdown, ourselves included, we also noticed that people began to appreciate the simpler things. The films really reflect this,” explain the team behind the event, who also organise the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour.
“The films aren’t specifically about lockdown, but they’re about staying true to yourself and finding happiness your own way. Even if it’s something seemingly ridiculous, like being the world’s second-best air guitarist, or doing the floss on a surfboard!”
Alongside access to the films, virtual audience members will have exclusive access to Q&As with filmmakers, behind the scenes footage, quizzes, and live prize draws. “We hope that audiences will have a fantastic, fun and inspirational time,” the organisers continue. “If they have a quirky hobby, or something they love to do, even if they are mediocre at it, we hope that this reminds them to relish it and be proud of it. If not, maybe they will take one up!”
The Feel Good Film Festival features two programmes – one showing on Fri 9 Apr (repeated on Fri 7 May), the other on Fri 23 Apr, each from 7.30pm, and available to watch for 72 hours after. Tickets and info: www.feelgoodfilmfest.com