Johanne Bille, trans. Sherilyn Hellberg (Lolli Editions)
This tone of this Danish novel is set from the very first page, quickly capturing the open-minded reader with images that raise intimate questions about female sexuality. Alice, a brilliantly honest main character, narrates the novel in a uniquely fragmented style. Her use of time lapse and lack of defined chapters, although slightly confusing at first, certainly maintains interest. It is as if we are following her thought process as it unfolds. When Alice’s partner Simon travels to Vietnam for six months, the long distance proves to be a test for both of them. While her partner is away Alice is transformed by her experiences with Mathilde and Alexander, who are in an open relationship with one another. Johanne Bille uses creative imagery that is sometimes disturbing, but always poetic. JG
Price: £14. Info: www.lollieditions.com