D:U:2 (Hotflush )
Paul Rose aka Scuba – musician, DJ, and host of the weekly Not A Diving Podcast – has released productions covering the entire spectrum of electronic music, and his massively respected Hotflush imprint celebrated 20 successful years in 2023. This month, following a string of live shows (with more dates promised), Scuba is releasing D:U:2, the second volume of his acclaimed Digital Underground mixtape.
Saying that he wanted to regain a sense of fun in the studio, following “a challenging yet rewarding film score project”, with this release Rose has provided us with 12 rave bangers taking in old skool, hardcore, breakbeat, jungle and techno. And although Scuba isn’t calling this a new album, by this reviewer’s reckoning it works as one.
The mixtape will be available, appropriately enough, on cassette (and it looks really nice, too) as well as vinyl, CD and digital – and the raving crew from old skool to new will absolutely love it.