BUZZCOCKS | PHOTOGRAPHY May 1, 2018 Category: Buzz Music, Photography Region: South Wales[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”87″ gal_title=”Buzzcocks Live”] Some of the best shots from Buzz’s time with the Buzzcocks this past Friday. Photos by Morgan Devine Tag: buzzcocks, Music, punk, tramshed More For You CARDINAL BLACK deliver rock’n’soul to a sold-out Cardiff Tramshed SPIRITUALIZED help us sail on through the Christmas period in Cardiff In this city they call you love: RICHARD HAWLEY, direct from Sheffield, enthralls live in Cardiff DROPKICK MURPHYS bring Saturday night barroom singalongs back to Cardiff Arena “These songs belong to everyone now”: CRAIG DAVID, still at the top of his game “The appeal of recording at home? You roll out of bed and get your ideas down!” Ones to watch: MIDDING Help tell the story of Welsh culture to the world Learn more
“The appeal of recording at home? You roll out of bed and get your ideas down!” Ones to watch: MIDDING