Abergavenny Food Festival is an absolute must for any food lover’s calendar, but with so much to see and do, it can feel a bit overwhelming. To help first-timers out, Buzz asks a number of festival veterans how best to take on the festival.
What would be your number one ‘top tip’ for Abergavenny Food Festival?
“Do your research. Explore the programme and book in for talks that tickle your tastebuds.” – Phill & Debs, Dusty Knuckle
“Pace yourself on the food offerings! Sharing is caring, so try as much as you can so you can enjoy lots of delicious delights.” – Sam & Shauna, Hangfire Southern Kitchen
“Wander about. Go where your nose leads you… the talks and events are fascinating, but there’s also a lot to be said for just improvising!” – Jonathan Swain, food blogger www.theplatelickedclean.co.uk
What are you most excited about during the festival this year?
“It’s a tie between the chef demos from Tommy Heaney and Gareth Ward. I’ve followed Tommy’s career with interest for years now, and Gareth is just a magician.” – Jonathan Swain
“Many of our food heroes will be at Abergavenny this year: Fergus and Trevor from St. John, and Asma Khan – what a chef, what a woman, what an inspiration! We’re also really looking forward to hosting some talented firestarters in the Cooking Over Fire area at The Castle.” – Sam & Shauna
“There’s a zero waste talk with Tom Hunt on Saturday… we love using up all the leftovers in our restaurant and having to be creative is one of the highlights of any day in the kitchen.” – Phill & Debs
“I love seeing the variety – deciding what to eat is always difficult but it’s also what makes it exciting!” – Laurian Veaudour, Cocorico Patisserie
Do you have any particularly good memories associated with Abergavenny Food Festival?
“Trading for the first time was HUGE for us; we were nervous, excited, and overwhelmed by the sheer force of interest we received… It’s a wonderful food festival that really champions our industry.” – Phill & Debs
“We have this unique perspective of being at the heart of the event. But, for us, it’s the enthusiastic and supportive public that truly makes the weekend special.” – Sam & Shauna
What other food-related happenings are you most excited about in Wales currently?
“I’m fascinated by the rise of supper clubs and space-sharing – I love seeing businesses sharing the burden while giving newer projects a leg up.” – Jonathan Swain
“I love going to Tommy Heaney’s restaurant for the warm welcome and amazing food. The Bite Cardiff festival at Insole Court this summer was a brilliant day to celebrate food – I hope it comes back next year.” – Laurian Veaudour
“We’re extremely excited about the new Goodsshed development, which is being built opposite our restaurant in Barry. We’re taking one of the street food containers and we’re looking forward to perhaps surprising everyone with a new food offering. As the old cliché goes, watch this space!” – Sam & Shauna
Various venues, Abergavenny, Sat 21 + Sun 22 Sept
Tickets: £15 weekend wristband; individual events priced separately.
Info: 01873 851643 / www.abergavennyfoodfestival.com